Kathryn Janeway vs. Carrie Mathison

„Starke Frauen“ findet man heute, vermeidlich, überall. In der Popkultur ist dies eine Figur, die mehrheitsfähig wurde. Ian Grey's Artikel macht deutlich, daß dies nur eine Illusion an der Oberfläche ist:


Watching Voyager today still a delight, but it's also illuminating in ways that aren’t so delightful. It’s impossible not to feel crestfallen at the systemic de-evolution that we've seen  since.


In the meantime, the self-determined female leads of Voyager -- and Buffy, and a handful of other unusual genre series -- have been supplanted by strong female characters that aren't really as strong as they seem.


Homeland's Carrie Mathison is a bipolar wreck. The reporter Zoe Barnes on House of Cards is a semi-sociopath who sleeps with a powerful man twice her age to get scoops. The female characters on The Newsroom feel like a man's condescending fantasy of how smart professional women acted thirty years ago, only needier. The Following demands that Claire Matthews either beg her serial killer ex-husband not to gut her, or her alcoholic wreck of an ex-lover to save her.

